We will be closed on Monday 4th and Tuesday 5th November to celebrate the Melbourne Cup.


    Application for Enrolment

    Which course(s) would you like to enrol into? (If applying as a “package”, please tick all courses.)

    Personal Details (Name MUST be as it appears on Passport)

    Enter your contact details

    What is the address of your usual residence?

    Please provide the physical address (street number and name not post office box) where you usually reside rather than any temporary address at which you reside for training, work or other purposes before returning to your home. If you are from a rural area use the address from your state's or territory's 'rural property addressing' or 'numbering' system as your residential street address. Building/property name is the official place name or common usage name for an address site, including the name of a building, Aboriginal community, homestead, building complex, agricultural property, park or unbounded address site.

    What is your postal address? (if different from above)

    Passport and Visa Details

    What type of visa are you currently holding (if currently holding a visa)

    If currently enrolled with any other education provider, please provide a copy of your current student visa and all eCoEs that you are holding with your application *

    Language and cultural diversity


    Do you consider yourself to have a disability, impairment or long-term condition?

    If you indicated the presence of a disability, impairment or long-term condition, please select the area(s) in the following list:

    You may indicate more than one area) Please refer to the Disability supplement at the back of this form for an explanation of the following disabilities

    Highest Academic Qualification Completed

    Other information(if applicable)

    Next of kin/emergency contact

    These are people that Mint International College may need to contact in an emergency during your participation in training. Please ensure that the people named are aware that they have been nominated as emergency contacts and agree to their details being provided to Mint International College.

    Education Agent Contact Details



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